Friday, April 17, 2009

A Lapine Phrasepost

Lapine is a constructed language used by Richard Adams in his 1972 novel Watership Down. It's a lovely conlang, with a music laden with many fricative and liquid consonants, but few plosives. Although the book only lists a few dozen words, fans, furries, and scholars have extended the language into several forms: Frithaes! An Introduction to Colloquial Lapine, and Patrick Jemmer's Lapine.

Here are some Lapine words. North American rabbits build nests like hares, rather than warrens like European rabbits.

naylte - rabbit
nayilf - hare
rooli - kitten
zyzay - sleepy
i - you
a - I
nahl - no

Here are some example phrases in Lapine. The "Four Essential Travel Phrases" or "I Can Eat Glass..." translations may be difficult, as rabbit warrens rarely have either facilities for tippling, or broken windows.

Layi zyzay? (Are you sleepy?)
Layi u naylte zyzay? (Are you the sleepy rabbit?)
Nahl, laya nahl naylte. (No, I am no rabbit.)
Layi elil? (Are you an enemy?)
Nahl, Laya nahl elil. (No, I am no enemy.)

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